October Project Update

Once again, a very busy month for RCCBS!

Firstly, thank you to everyone that came along to the Memorial Hall on Saturday 5th October to celebrate progress and say “Cheers to The Chequers”. It was a great night made even more special by international Chequers fans Bruce Gardiner and Eddie Harrington joining us on video links from Terrigal, Australia and Nashville, USA to regale tales of unruly great grandmothers getting up to no good in The Chequers 200 years ago and transatlantic romance blossoming during World War Two. Equally compelling stories about the origins of the pub and the characters that filled it were provided in person by Richard Woolley and David Lake. It was also lovely to hear Arnold Brewer’s Home Guard bell, used by him to call last orders in later years, rung in Roxwell once again by his daughter Dawn! Massive thanks are due to Jill Vicary, Dave Anderson, Judith Woolley, Bev Smith and Ann Page for making this event happen, supported by an army of helpers.

In terms of the pub itself, the renovation is still ongoing by A&C Developments, with second fix electrics are now virtually complete – and the new boiler and central heating system has been fired up for the first time this week. The pub is now ‘online’ following the installation of broadband required to operate new security, fire alarm and CCTV systems and kitchen extraction equipment is in the process of being installed. The refurbishment of the bar is underway and internal decorations are ongoing in line with professionally designed proposals of Natalie Rodrigues Interiors, an interior design consultancy based in Chelmsford to whom we are very grateful to for providing services and sourcing various materials free of charge.

There is still a lot of volunteer work left to do to finish the pub, with key tasks including painting,decorating and restoring furniture (some of which can be done off site).

If you intended to help out but haven’t got round to it yet, now is your chance! We cannot get the pub open until this work is complete and it is a great way of getting to know your neighbours. Many thanks to the merry band of volunteers who have been bearing the brunt of this work to date, saving the project tens of thousands of pounds and making the whole thing possible. Let’s hit it hard in November!

We would also be pleased to hear from anyone with surplus traditional hardwood dining chairs and/or tables that could be added to those already in the pub, in need of upcycling if necessary. 

Assuming the restoration work is completed as planned towards the end of the year, we are likely to open on the basis of ‘pop-up pub’ nights run by volunteers until the tenant is in-situ. We remain confident of being in for a drink before Christmas, but a final push from existing and new volunteers would make this more certain. Please email contactus@savethechequersroxwell.co.uk if you can support the final push in any way, shape or form.

That’s it for October – have a brilliant November!

2 responses to “October Project Update”

  1. Sue Hall avatar
    Sue Hall

    Just to wish you all continued success in renovating and re-opening

    Wishing you all the verye best in renovating and rejuvenating
    The Chequers. MeanwhiLe, am still ‘stranded’ down here in Devon. Hoping for a more active housing market in spring.
    My very best wishes to w all/any who remember the me. Sue Hall
    Sue Hallq

    1. Sam Metson avatar
      Sam Metson

      We remember you Sue! Thanks for your good wishes. Look forward to seeing you in The Chequers sometime soon.

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